Nobody was ready for Covid, that is the simple truth of all of our lives. However, even if your household didn't suffer too much from the economic crisis there's no doubt things have changed for you. As precaution becomes more important we need to be more conscious of how we interact with others. As well as how we balance our work life with our increased time at home.
With more responsibilities in place there's less time to take household chores into our own hands. And yet the current crisis makes it so hygiene and constant cleaning habits are more important than ever. While house helpers were always in high demand the current situation makes it so new maids are even more important to keep up our daily life. If you are looking for domestic helper you should keep in mind that the situation has undeniably changed but there are always maid agencies ready to lend you a hand.Things have changed but maid agencies are there to make the maid hiring process easier and finding a new helper is still possible provided you understand the changes that MOM has put in place in response to Covid-19.
The New Normal?Or the Same Old?
When it comes to your duties as an employer things have not changed much. However precautions are important for everybody in a household and that includes your domestic helper.
Make sure to provide your maid with all the utilities she might need to stay safe. Gloves and masks are a must for both you and her to remain safe. However there are other things that can help both of you to remain safe. If possible keep separate sets of utensils and try not to share food or drinks. Similarly if possible when intensive cleanings are required try to reduce the amount of people that are at home.While change can take some time it's important we do everything we can to ensure the safety of our households.
Strictly Follow MOM's Covid-19 Advisories
When it comes to MOM the main factors that have affected the maid hiring processes are in the Covid test and the requirement of a Stay-Home period for quarantine. On paper the situation remains largely as usual. However given the short time frames that MOM grants for travel and the irregularities that can happen in the process mean that the hiring rate has been affected.
Hiring a foreign domestic worker was already involves a certain procedures, and with this new situation we recommend more than ever that you rely on a maid agency.
How a Maid Agency Singapore Can Help With Maid Hiring
Trying to hire a maid on your own has always been a complex task, and the new Covid prevention measures make it even more strict for everybody involved. As such trying to start a new immigration process from zero can be almost impossible.
On the other hand Maid Agency Singapore has continued to work as usual during these times and have adapted to new policies in real time. This means that any maid that you hire through an agency has been properly verified under MOM guidelines. So not only is it easier but safer for everybody involved.
Plus maid agencies always make sure to keep a constantly updated catalog of potential maids, so you get both safety and freedom of choice. All in all things have changed, but agencies remain our best when it comes to hiring a maid.
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As per the MOM / Government directives issued in view of safeguarding the privacy of the registered housemaids (FDWs) which shall come into effect from the 1 July 2020, the photographs of the FDWs shall not be visible to the general public and shall be displayed as blurred. In order to view the clear photographs we kindly request you to login to the site with your Facebook /Google account or Register with us, which shall enable you to access the site for downloadable bio data and view clear photographs.
As per the MOM / Government directives issued in view of safeguarding the privacy of the registered housemaids (FDWs) which shall come into effect from the 1 July 2020, the photographs of the FDWs shall not be visible to the general public and shall be displayed as blurred. In order to view the clear photographs we kindly request you to login to the site with your Facebook/Google account or Register with us, which shall enable you to access the site for downloadable bio data and view clear photographs.